STM32F031 (F031K6).32 bit microcontroller.Datasheet

Core: ARM ® 32-bit Cortex ® -M0 CPU,frequency up to 48 MHz• Memories– 16 to 32 Kbytes of Flash memory– 4 Kbytes of SRAM with HW parity• CRC calculation unit•…

Комментарии к записи STM32F031 (F031K6).32 bit microcontroller.Datasheet отключены


The PM8916 device  integrates all wireless handset power management, generalhousekeeping, and user interface support functions into a single mixed-signal IC. Its versatiledesign is suitable for multimode, multiband phones, and other…

Комментарии к записи PM8916.Datasheet отключены

MSM8916 Qualcomm

MSM8916/APQ8016 (or Snapdragon 410) is Qualcomm SoC released in 2014, with great mainline Linux support originally added for the Dragonboard 410c. There is a slightly higher clocked variant (CPU cores up to 1.4…

Комментарии к записи MSM8916 Qualcomm отключены

24C02 (WP402).EEPROM 2kbit.Datasheet

The M24C01(C02) is a 1(2)-Kbit I2C-compatible EEPROM (Electrically ErasablePROgrammable Memory) organized as 128 (256) × 8 bits.The M24C01/02-W can be accessed with a supply voltage from 2.5 V to 5.5…

Комментарии к записи 24C02 (WP402).EEPROM 2kbit.Datasheet отключены

SC8F5775.8-bit microcontroller.Datasheet

◆ Memory ◆ Working voltage: 1.8V~4.5V@16MHz- ROM: 4Kx16bit Working temperature: -20°C~75°C- Universal RAM: 256x8bit ◆ Internal RC: design frequency of 8MHz/16MHz◆ 8 level stack buffer ◆ Built-in 128-byte EEPROM◆ Clean…

Комментарии к записи SC8F5775.8-bit microcontroller.Datasheet отключены

STM8S003 (S033PHVG).8-bit microcontroller.Datasheet

Core• 16 MHz advanced STM8 core with Harvardarchitecture and 3-stage pipeline• Extended instruction setMemories• Program memory: 8 Kbyte Flash memory; dataretention 20 years at 55 °C after 100 cycles• RAM:…

Комментарии к записи STM8S003 (S033PHVG).8-bit microcontroller.Datasheet отключены

MCP3905A I/SS.Energy Metering ICs with Active Real Power Pulse Output.Datasheet

The MCP3905A/05L/06A devices are energy-meteringICs designed to support the IEC 62053 internationalmetering standard specification. They supply afrequency output proportional to the average active realpower, as well as a higher-frequency outputproportional…

Комментарии к записи MCP3905A I/SS.Energy Metering ICs with Active Real Power Pulse Output.Datasheet отключены

SM5301BS.3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in Wideband Filters.Datasheet

The SM5301BS is a video filter LSI with buffered outputs for VESA-standard ATSC digital TV. The filteremploys a 5-order Butterworth lowpass filter configuration. The filter characteristics have been optimized forminimal…

Комментарии к записи SM5301BS.3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in Wideband Filters.Datasheet отключены

HC4053.Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer.Datasheet

The SL74HC4053 utilize silicon-gate CMOS technology to achievefast propagation delays, low ON resistances, and low OFF leakagecurrents. These analog multiplexers/demultiplexers control analogvoltages that may vary across the complete power supply…

Комментарии к записи HC4053.Analog Multiplexer/Demultiplexer.Datasheet отключены

ADA04.8-CH Auto Sensitivity Calibration Capacitive Touch SensorADA04.Datasheet

8-Channel capacitive sensor with auto sensitivity calibration Selectable output operation (single or multi output mode) Low current consumption Uniformly adjustable 3 step sensitivity Sync function for parallel operation Adjustable internal…

Комментарии к записи ADA04.8-CH Auto Sensitivity Calibration Capacitive Touch SensorADA04.Datasheet отключены

MX29LV040.4M-BIT [512K x 8] CMOS SINGLE VOLTAGE.Datasheet

The MX29LV040 is a 4-mega bit Flash memory orga-nized as 512K bytes of 8 bits. MXIC's Flash memoriesoffer the most cost-effective and reliable read/write non-volatile random access memory. The MX29LV040…

Комментарии к записи MX29LV040.4M-BIT [512K x 8] CMOS SINGLE VOLTAGE.Datasheet отключены

AN8495SB.Stepping Motor Drive.Datasheet

AN8495SB is a stepping-motor-driving IC, created by using a D-MOSprocess, and provides a maximum output of 30V at 1.5A. By the PWM driveand 2-bit constant-current-chopping-drive method, the winding 1-2 phasedrive…

Комментарии к записи AN8495SB.Stepping Motor Drive.Datasheet отключены

HT49R50.8 bit microcontroller

The HT49R50 is an 8-bit high performance singlechip microcontroller. Its single cycle instructionand two-stage pipeline architecture make it suit-able for high speed applications. The device issuited for use in multiple…

Комментарии к записи HT49R50.8 bit microcontroller отключены

MK1575-01 (157501GL).Low cost clock recovery PLLMK.Datasheet

The MK1575-01 is a low cost Phase Locked Loop(PLL) designed for clock synthesis and synchronizationin cost sensitive applications. The device is optimizedto accept a low frequency reference clock to generate…

Комментарии к записи MK1575-01 (157501GL).Low cost clock recovery PLLMK.Datasheet отключены