DIY anti FM 88-108 MHz on transistor 2SC3355

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  • Рубрика записи:Electronic DIY

With this device, you can mute an FM radio station at a distance of tens of meters.But we must take into account the laws, we must not interfere with the reception of commercial radio stations.

The device is assembled on two 2sc3355 transistors.Coils L1-L2 contain 7 turns of wire with a diameter of about 0.8 mm wound on a frame with a diameter of 4 mm.Antenna A1 is 14 cm long,antenna A2 is 45 cm long.

Inside the coil L2 it is necessary to insert a ferrite rod, which we will use to tune to the desired radio station.This ferrite can be taken from old radios or from the contours of televisions.

Check the device with an RF probe consisting of two 1n4148 diodes and an LED.Connect one probe pin to the antennas and the LED should shine brightly.Then tune the radio receiver to the radio station and by introducing ferrite in the L2 coil, achieve the disappearance of the reception of this FM station