DIY three LED USB Tester

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  • Рубрика записи:Electronic DIY
schematic diagram of usb tester on leds

With the help of this simple USB tester, we will be able to check the usb socket of the computer for operability. This is necessary after repairing the socket, especially if there is no certainty in the correct pinout of the socket, so as not to check the usb socket of the computer on a flash drive or other device.

The device has three functions: the green LED will shine when the power polarity is correct. When the device is connected, the yellow LED will pulse three times, which indicates that Data + is working.If the red LED is on, then this indicates the wrong polarity of the socket power supply.

Here it is necessary to warn that you take all the risks if you solder the device incorrectly.So, we plug the tester into the socket and the yellow will blink three times and continue to shine.The green light is constantly shining.The USB socket is working properly and the computer will beep and notify about an unknown device.

In the device manager of the computer, the tester will appear as an Unknown Device, that is, an unknown device.You can look further in the information, but it certainly won’t do anything.

And finally, a video about the tester’s work